
group of people high fiving outdoors

The United Church of Canada Foundation Fall 2023 Grants Announcement

It’s tiii-iiime! Last week, the Joint Grants Committee met to review nearly 100 applications for Fall 2023 grants across three granting programs. After careful consideration, the Joint Grants Committee and the Foundation’s Board now joyfully announce The United Church of Canada Foundation Fall 2023 grants! Here is a breakdown of the 58 grants totalling $641,050:

  • 48 grants through the Seeds of Hope granting program, totaling $303,450
  • 2 grants as part of the United Church of Canada Foundation’s Trust-based granting program, totaling $21,100
  • 2 grants through special requests from the General Council, totaling $200,000
  • 6 grants through the Embracing the Spirit/New Ministries granting program totaling $116,500 (*note, these represent continued funding from multi-year grants awarded in previous grant cycles. Embracing the Spirit and New Ministries grants are not available in 2023 as we embrace the exciting transition into the United Church of Canada’s new strategic plan)

Click here to check out all of the grants awarded.

What You’re Doing Matters!

Every granting round, the Committee reviews a growing number of thoughtful applications, all of which represent treasured ministries to the people who submitted them. Each and every project (funded or not!) is important!

God, stir the hearts of those learning of their successful application!
Please also encourage those not receiving the news they were hoping for.
And bless them all that they will continue to act with boldness in their work. Amen.


If you’re receiving a grant or scholarship this round, we’re overjoyed to be on the journey with you! The Board and Joint Grants Committee are thrilled to support your ministry through this important project. If you’re not sure what to do next, check out the resources we’ve put together here.

Your story is part of the fabric of the United Church, and we want to hear it as it unfolds through the ministry supported by your grant! We’re excited to amplify your good work, so don’t be a stranger. And, if you’re on social media, share your progress using the hashtag #SOHFall2023. Don’t forget to tag us! Please join our growing communities on X (Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Plus, we’ve even created customizable announcement posts to let your communities know the news!

And of course, Foundation staff are here to answer your questions… and there will be questions! Email the team at any time.

Support Grants Like These

Foundation grants support unique and innovative United Church people and projects making an impact in our communities. Of course, these opportunities are made possible by the faithful generosity of United Church people.

Did you know that you can make a gift to any fund at the Foundation? It’s true; even scholarship funds and Seeds of Hope granting funds! “Unrestricted” or “undesignated” gifts are also gratefully accepted, as they provide extra flexibility during busy rounds like this one! So, if you’ve made a gift to the Foundation before, you are helping make projects like these happen. Thank you! Make a gift to support this important work into the future.


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+381 123 456 677

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed

United Church of Canada Foundation